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Saturday 23rd January 2010

This Week In Doctor Who PBS and Podcasts - January 23, 2010
(posted 23rd Jan 2010, 12:47pm - TWIDW post #1006)
This Week In Doctor Who PBS and Podcasts
January 23, 2010 - Vol 2, No 4
All the Public TV Listings And Podcast Pronouncements
by Benjamin F. Elliott
USA - Doctor Who - Series 3 (The Runaway Bride and the 13 episode 2007 series
with Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones) and Series 4.0 (Voyage Of The Damned and
the 13 episode 2008 series with Catherine Tate as Donna Noble) are now
distributed to Public TV stations by BBC Worldwide Americas, not American Public
TV. BBC Worldwide Americas also distributes classic Doctor Who to stations.
We have a late network getting Series 3 - West Virginia Public Broadcasting airs Series 3 Saturdays at 11PM starting 6 February. This is a new day and time for Doctor Who, which had previously aired (very) sporadically Thursdays at 9PM.
If you're a PBS station airing Doctor Who and I don't have you listed - contact
me. If you're watching Doctor Who on a PBS station that's not on this list -
contact me AND tell me the day, time, and episode that aired so I can track
things down (some stations have websites where schedule information is -
The public TV stations known to have bought Series 4:
Idaho Public TV - currently in first run
WILL 12 Urbana, IL - starts 23 January
Milwaukee Public TV - starts 13 February
WGVU/WGVK 35,52 Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI - starts 27 February
KERA 13 Dallas, TX - starts 23 January
The public TV stations known to have bought The Runaway Bride and Series 3:
WXXI 21 Rochester, NY
WTTW 11 Chicago, IL
WTVP 47 Peoria, IL
Iowa Public TV
Idaho Public TV
Wisconsin Public TV
KUED 7 Salt Lake City, UT
OETA Oklahoma
KLRU 18 Austin, TX
Alaska Public TV
WSKG/WSKA 46,30 Binghamton/Elmira, NY
West Virginia Public Broadcasting - starts 6 February 2010 at 11PM
Now, I am confident that there are more stations with rights to Series 3 and 4
than that. But these are the stations who have contacted me or scheduled the
show. Unlike with the Series 1 and 2 deals, we are in the dark till a station
comes forward or new Who appears in their schedules.
Series 2 is currently available to public TV stations in an American Public TV
package until March 31, 2010. For the Series 1 and 2 packages, stations have
bought the rights to cycle through the episodes 4 times. They are not required
to do so. American Public TV is no longer offering Series 1 - I do not know if
BBC Worldwide Americas will offer those stations to public TV stations now or
2 Public TV stations currently have rights to air the classic Doctor Who run
(1963-1989), but not New Who. KBTC 28 Tacoma, WA is airing Peter Davison
episodes. WHRO 15 Norfolk, VA is airing Tom Baker episodes.
And now, the listings:
Public TV Premiere Run:
KERA 13.1 Dallas, TX
Dallas DirecTV 13,889 DirecTVHD 13
Dallas, Sherman Dish 13,8406
Tyler Dish 13,8886
Series 4 - 1st Cycle:
Late Saturday Midnight CST 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (72 minutes, premiere!) Premiere
Late 30 January Midnight CST 4-01 Partners in Crime
Late 30 January 12:50AM CST DWC 4-01 A Noble Return
Late 6 February Midnight CST 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii
Late 6 February 12:50AM CST DWC 4-02 The Italian Job

KERA has the right to 2 more showings of Series 2 before March 31, 2010. KERA has aired Series 3 once.
Idaho Public TV 4.1, 10.1, 13.1, 26.1
Boise DirecTV 4
Boise Dish 4,7141
Idaho Falls Dish 10,7746
Twin Falls Dish 13,8807
Spokane, WA DirecTV 26
Spokane, WA Dish 26,9178
Series 4 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 11PM MST/PST 4-04 The Sontaran Stratagem pt 1 of 2 Premiere
Saturday 11:46PM MST/PST DWC 4-04 Send in the Clones Premiere

30 January 11PM MST/PST 4-05 The Poison Sky pt 2 of 2
30 January 11:45PM MST/PST DWC 4-05 Sontar-Ha!
6 February 11PM MST/PST 4-06 The Doctor's Daughter
6 February 11:48PM MST/PST DWC 4-06 Sins Of The Father
13 February 11PM MST/PST 4-07 The Unicorn and the Wasp
20 February 11PM MST/PST 4-08 Silence in the Library pt 1 of 2
27 February 11PM MST/PST 4-09 Forest of the Dead pt 2 of 2
6 March 11:15PM MST/PST 4-10 Midnight
13 March 11PM MST/PST 4-11 Turn Left
20 March 11PM MDT/PDT 4-12 The Stolen Earth pt 1 of 2
27 March 11PM MDT/PDT 4-13 Journey's End pt 2 of 2

Idaho Public TV has the right to air Series 2 one more time before March 31, 2010. They are also in the middle of their 3rd Cycle of Series 3 - end date for Series 3 rights unknown.
WILL 12.1 Champaign/Urbana, IL
Champaign DirecTV 12
Chicago Dish 12,7407
Peoria, IL - cable station
Series 4 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 10:30PM, Sunday 6PM CST 4-01 Partners in Crime (Series 4 Premiere, Voyage of the Damned skipped)
Saturday 11:20PM, Sunday 6:50PM CST DWC 4-01 A Noble Return

30 January 10:30PM, 31 January 6PM CST 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii
30 January 11:20PM, 31 January 6:50PM CST DWC 4-02 The Italian Job
6 February 10:30PM, 7 February 6PM CST 4-03 Planet of the Ood
6 February 11:15PM, 7 February 6:45PM CST DWC 4-03 Oods and Ends

WILL has aired Series 3 two times, and presumably has the right to additional showings.
Milwaukee Public TV 10.1
Milwaukee DirecTV 10,946
Milwaukee Dish 10,7076
Series 3 - 2nd Cycle/Series 4 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 11PM CST 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3
Saturday 11:45PM CST DWC 3-11 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello

30 January 11PM CST 3-12 The Sound of Drums pt 2 of 3
30 January 11:46PM CST DWC 3-12 The Saxon Mystery
6 February 11PM CST 3-13 Last of the Time Lords pt 3 of 3 (Edited International Version)
6 February 11:47PM CST DWC 3-13 The Valiant Quest
13 February 11PM CST 4-00 Voyage of the Damned (72 minutes, full version)
20 February 11PM CST 4-01 Partners in Crime
20 February 11:50PM CST DWC 4-01 A Noble Return
27 February 11PM CST 4-02 The Fires of Pompeii
27 February 11:50PM CST DWC 4-02 The Italian Job

Milwaukee Public TV has the right to air Series 2 one more time before March 31, 2010.
WGVU/WGVK 35.1, 52.1 Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI
Grand Rapids, MI DirecTV 35
Grand Rapids, MI Dish 35,8716
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle/Series 4 - 1st Cycle:
Saturday 5PM EST 2-10 Love & Monsters
Thursday 11PM,
30 January 5PM EST 2-11 Fear Her
4 February 11PM, 6 February 5PM EST 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2
11 February 11PM, 13 February 5PM EST 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
18 February 10:59PM, 20 February 5PM EST 3-00 The Runaway Bride 61 minutes
25 February 11PM, 27 February 5PM EST 4-00 Voyage of the Damned 72 minutes, premiere of Series 4 on WGVU!

WGVU/WGVK has aired Series 3 twice and may have the right to additional airings.
West Virginia Public TV 33.1, 24.1, 42.1, 9.1
Charleston DirecTV 33
Charleston Dish 33,7321
Clarksburg DirecTV 24
Clarksburg Dish 24,7915
Series 3 - 1st Cycle:
6 February 11PM EST 3-00 The Runaway Bride 61 minutes (premiere!)
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle Completed. Rights expire March 30, 2010.
WXXI 21.1 Rochester, NY
Rochester DirecTV 21 DirecTVHD 21
Rochester Dish 21,7640
Series 3 - 3rd Cycle:
Saturday 11PM EST 3-03 Gridlock
Saturday 11:45PM EST DWC 3-03 Are We There Yet? Premiere

30 January 11PM EST 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
30 January 11:46PM EST DWC 3-04 ""
6 February 11PM EST 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
6 February 11:46PM EST DWC 3-05 ""

WXXI has the right to air Series 2 one more tmie before March 31, 2010.
WSKG/WSKA 46.1, 30.1 Binghamton/Elmira, NY
Series 3 - 2nd Cycle:
Saturday 11PM EST 3-03 Gridlock
Saturday 11:45PM EST DWC 3-03 Are We There Yet?
30 January 11PM EST 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
30 January 11:46PM EST DWC 3-04 ""
6 February 11PM EST 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
6 February 11:46PM EST DWC 3-05 ""
WSKG has aired Series 3 once and may have additional rights to those episodes.
WHRO 15.1 Norfolk, VA
Norfolk DirecTV 15 DirecTVHD 15
Norfolk Dish 15,7295
Saturday 11:31PM and 4:31AM EST The Android Invasion pt 1 of 4
30 January 11:30PM and 4:30AM EST The Android Invasion pt 2 of 4
6 February 11:30PM EST The Android Invasion pt 3 of 4
13 February 11:30PM EST The Android Invasion pt 4 of 4
Series 13, Episodes 13 through 16. Doctor: Tom Baker.
20 February 11:30PM EST The Brain of Morbius pt 1
27 February 11:37PM EST The Brain of Morbius pt 2
Series 13, Episodes 17 through 18. Doctor: Tom Baker.
Wisconsin Public TV 28.1, 38.1, 21.1, 31.1, 20.1
Green Bay DirecTV 38
Green Bay Dish 38,9336
Madison DirecTV 21
Madison Dish 21,7286
La Crosse-Eau Claire DirecTV 31 DirecTVHD 31
La Crosse-Eau Claire Dish 31,7726
Wassau DirecTV 20
Wassau Dish 20,7216
Series 3 - 2nd Cycle:
Saturday 9:50PM CST 3-00 The Runaway Bride (61 minutes, start of 2nd Cycle)
30 January 9:50PM CST 3-01 Smith and Jones
30 January 10:35PM CST DWC 3-01 Meet Martha Jones
Wisconsin Public TV has aired Series 2 three times and has the right to air it
once more before March 31, 2010.
WTTW 11.1 Chicago, IL
Chicago DirecTV 11,965 DirecTVHD 11
Chicago Dish 11,8496
Rockford, IL - cable station only
Series 3 - 2nd Cycle:
Late Saturday 1AM CST 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
Sunday 11PM, Late 30 January 1AM CST 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
31 January 11PM CST 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment
6 February 10PM CST episode unknown
WTTW Prime 11.2 Chicago, IL
Not on DirecTV or Dish Network
Series 2 - 4th/Final Cycle:
Monday 9PM and 4AM, Tuesday 9AM CST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
1 February 9PM and 4AM, 2 February 9AM CST 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2
WTVP 47.1 Peoria, IL
Peoria DirecTV 47 DirecTVHD 47
Peoria Dish 47,7756
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle:
6 February 11PM CST 2-01 New Earth (start of 3rd Cycle)
WTVP has aired Series 3 twice.
IPTV Iowa 11.1, 32.1, 27.1, 12.1, 36.1, 21.1, 32.1, 24.1, 36.1
Des Moines DirecTV 11,474 DesMoines DirecTVHD 11
Des Moines Dish 11,9116
Cedar Rapids DirecTV 12 Cedar Rapids DirecTVHD 12
Cedar Rapids Dish 11,9161
Omaha DirecTV 32
Omaha Dish 11,9146
Sioux City Dish 27,7195
Quad Cities DirecTV 36 Quad Cities DirecTVHD 36
Quad Cities Dish 36,7607
Rochester, MN DirecTV 24,904
Rochester, MN Dish 11,8247
Series 2 - 4th Cycle/Series 3 - 4th/Final Cycle:
BDSaturday 11PM CST 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2
Saturday 11:47PM CST DWC 2-09 Myths, Heroes, And LegendsEND
BDF30 January 11PM CST 2-10 Love & Monsters
30 January 11:45PM CST DWC 2-10 The New World of Dr Who
6 February 11PM CST 2-11 Fear Her
6 February 11:45PM CST DWC 2-11 The Fright Stuff
13 February 11PM CST 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2
13 February 11:45PM CST DWC 2-12 "dw-title">Torchwood
20 February 11PM CST 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2
20 February 11:46PM CST DWC 2-13 Finale
27 February 10:55PM CST 3-00 The Runaway Bride (61 minutes, start of Series 3 4th Cycle?)END
Iowa Public TV has aired Series 3 three times so far. They presumably have the right to air it again.
Ozark Public TV 21.1, 26.1 Springfield/Joplin, MO
Springfield DirecTV 21 DirecTVHD 21
Springfield Dish 21,7226
Joplin Dish 26,7873
Series 2 - 5th Cycle?:
Saturday 9:30PM CST 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
30 January 9:30PM CST 2-05 Rise of the Cybermen pt 1 of 2
6 February 9:30PM CST 2-06 The Age of Steel pt 2 of 2

Ozark still hasn't aired Series 3, but since the show's back on the air we can always hope.
KCPT 19.1 Kansas City, MO
Kansas City DirecTV 19 DirecTVHD 19
Kansas City Dish 19,8436
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle:
Saturday 10:30PM CST 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2
30 January 10:30PM CST 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2
OETA Oklahoma 13.1, 11.1, 3.1
Oklahoma City, OK DirecTV 13 DirecTVHD 13
Oklahoma City, OK Dish 13,8896
Tulsa, OK DirecTV 11
Tulsa, OK Dish 11,8926
Series 3 - 3rd Cycle:
Friday 10:28PM CST 3-02 The Shakespeare Code
5 February 10:24PM CST 3-03 Gridlock
12 February 10:24PM CST 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2

OETA has mentioned in a blog entry on their website that they plan to purchase the rights to the "2008 Season", with an estimated air date of May.
KLRU 18.1 Austin, TX
Austin DirecTV 18,907 DirecTVHD 18
Austin Dish 18,8256
Series 3 - 2nd Cycle:
Saturday 11PM CST 3-03 Gridlock
Thursday 10PM, 30 January 11PM CST 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
4 February 10PM, 6 February 11PM CST 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
11 February 10PM, 13 February 11PM CST 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment
18 February 10PM, 20 February 11PM CST 3-07 42
25 February 10PM, 27 February 11PM CST 3-08 Human Nature pt 1 of 2
4 March 10PM CST 3-09 The Family of Blood pt 2 of 2
KLRU has the right to air Series 2 one more time before March 31, 2010.
KLRU-Q 18.3 Austin, TX
broadcast and digital cable only
episodes air the week after they appear on 18.1
Wednesday 10PM and 2AM CST 3-03 Gridlock
3 February 10PM and 2AM CST 3-04 Daleks in Manhattan pt 1 of 2
10 February 10PM and 2AM CST 3-05 Evolution of the Daleks pt 2 of 2
17 February 10PM and 2AM CST 3-06 The Lazarus Experiment
24 February 10PM and 2AM CST 3-07 42
KUED 7.1/KUES 19.1/KUEW 18.1 Salt Lake City/St. George, UT
Underwritten by Ken Garth Mitsubishi-Hundai.
Salt Lake City DirecTV 7,982
Salt Lake City Dish 7,8536
Series 2 - 3rd Cycle:
Saturday 11PM MST 2-07 The Idiot's Lantern
30 January 11PM MST 2-08 The Impossible Planet pt 1 of 2
6 February 11:01PM MST 2-09 The Satan Pit pt 2 of 2
13 February 11PM MST 2-10 Love & Monsters
20 February 11:05PM MST 2-11 Fear Her
27 February 11PM MST 2-12 Army of Ghosts pt 1 of 2
6 March 11PM MST 2-13 Doomsday pt 2 of 2

KUED has aired Series 3 twice.
KBTC/KCKA 28.1, 15.1 Tacoma/Centralia, WA
Seattle DirecTV 28,970
Seattle Dish 28,8620
Saturday 6PM to 10PM PST "Doctor Who Marathon" (The Ark In Space pts 1,2,3,+4,
The Sontaran Experiment pts 1+2)
30 January 7PM PST The Caves of Androzani pts 3 and 4 of 4
Alaska One 9.1, 3.1
serving most of Alaska - unclear if it reaches Anchorage
Fairbanks, AK DirecTV 9 DirecTVHD 9
Fairbanks, AK Dish 7,8297 DishHD 5646
Juneau, AK DirecTV 3
Juneau, AK Dish 3,9383 DishHD 5704
Series 2 - 4th/Final Cycle:
Sunday 11PM, Thursday 8PM and 2AM 2-03 School Reunion
31 January 11PM, 4 February 8PM and 2AM 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
Alaska One has aired Series 3 two times.
This section is always open to discovering new Doctor Who/Sarah
Jane/K9/Torchwood material of note. If you think your webcast/podcast (or
somebody else's) belongs in this section, e-mail me. To those who contacted me
in the last week, I will get back to you soon.
Doctor Who: Podshock
Live Talkshoe broadcasts -
call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 23358
1) Home to the longest continuously running weekly-ish international Doctor Who
chat show done in podcast format. Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, and James
Naughton, with frequent contributions/co-hosting by Dave AC, Mike Doran, and a
cast of many. There is a feed for studio shows and a feed for live shows.
2) Also home to the Sonic Newsdriver, Louis Trapani's periodic rundown of new
Doctor Who news.
3) Also home to the Hitch-hiker's Guide To British Sci-Fi, a podcast covering a
mix of shows, including Doctor Who.
Current episodes:
-179. Continuation of the Ten Doctors special. This episode is one of the
premium episodes for paid subscribers.
-180. Conclusion of the Paul McGann and Daphne Ashbrook interview that began in
episode 173. Report on the upcoming Gallifrey 2010 event. And the news.
Radio Free Skaro
The 3 Canadians (Warren, Steven, Chris) get together on the weekends for about
an hour or more to discuss the latest in Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sarah Jane
in a fairly amusing manner. When one is away, the 4th Canadian (Katrina) will
Current Episode:
-177. Dr Who, Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Russell T Davies. Neil
Perryman joins the 3 again and tries to be as positive about Russell T Davies in
this episode as they were negative in episode 176. Do they succeed? Difficult to
say. But this is not going to go down as one of the feel good podcast episodes
of the year.
Coming soon:
-178. And Then, The Unthinkable Happened. FOX is having Russell T Davies write a
pilot for Torchwood, and the gang will almost have to mention it.
DWO Whocast
Trevor's from Australia. The co-host chair is officially vacant, with Two Minute
Time Lord's Chip substituting as of episode 162. Regular correspondent - James.
New Year - time for remodeling.
Current episodes:
#160. James fills in the co-host seat to talk news.
#161. James fills in again, with an extended feedback show covering listener
reactions to recent topics.
Tin Dog Podcast
UK based podcast looking at the latest in Doctor Who, Torchwood, or Sarah Jane
Adventures. Reduced schedule as he writes a book.
Current episode:
#111. A short episode on the Peladon Tales DVD boxset (note to US/Canadian
listeners - this release will be two separate titles in Region 1 NTSC with no
boxset option).
The Cultdom Collective
Live Talkshoe Broadcasts
call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 54821
Doctor Who (and other) fans get together to discuss all things unusual, though
often with a Doctor Who tint. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere - until somebody
mentions the quality control of Talkshoe's service. Chats open 15 minutes before
the scheduled start time.
Current episodes:
25. DS The Cult Spy Awards 2009. Last of the list shows for a while.
Coming Soon:
Sunday 2PM EST/11AM PST/7PM GMT - 26. Paradox/The Day Of The Triffids. Two new
(well, Triffids is a remake) sci-fi dramas from the UK come under the
31 January 2PM EST/11AM PST/7PM GMT - 27. RTD's Retrospective. A look back at
Russell T Davies.
7 February 2PM EST/11AM PST/7PM GMT - 28. It came from the future. Past,
current, and future Sci-Fi productions have given us looks at the future from
their own perspectives. Now we look back, sideways, or forward at these future
CIA - Cultdom In Audio
Live Talkshoe broadcasts
call in number (724) 444-7444 call id 30659
West and other Doctor Who fans liked the live Doctor Who: Podshocks so much that
they wanted to keep talking afterwards. The resulting show covers Doctor Who,
anything else sci-fi related, and can go wildly off in all directions.
Current Episode. 110. Samantha and others are back in this live show looking at
fandom. Sometimes, fans can be a tad negative.
Two Minute Time Lord
A bite-sized commentary and revew show. Chip tries to keep his episodes short,
because we're ALL in a hurry these days.
Current Episodes:
#96. Four For The Road. Amy Pond may have a job. Chip was food for Zombies. Chip
will be warming a chair. And someone chipped Chip's car.
#97. Torchwood, Y'all! When Russell T Davies went to work at BBC Worldwide
Americas, nobody mentioned he was trying to smuggle an active TV series into the
country in his luggage.
Staggering Stories
A wild, wandering podcast with Doctor Who and the other flavours of the moment
winding together roughly once every 2 weeks. The website's main focus is on
stories collected through the years.
Episode 62 "The Episode That Didn't Want To Go". It's a new year, and the team
is back to their old schnanigans. What do you do when you realize you are enough
older than the new Doctor that you are viewing him as the impudent punk kid?
Coming Sunday:
Episode 63. "Beware The Ides Of January". Ok, apart from knowing that they react
to a piece of feedback I have no clue what is in the episode. This episode was
recorded before the FOX Torchwood pilot news came out, or I'd have some easy
choices for potential episode titles.
The Flashing Blade Podcast
The Flashing Blade cast expands, as Robert comes on to help review Big Finish
episodes. So when Jo's gone and Robert is in, we now have -
The Jo-Less Brothers!
For episodes with Jo and without Robert, we have The Tony and Jo!, as before.
For episodes with all 3, they shall battle Radio Free Skaro to the death to
steal the Three Who Rule title. Loser gets a nice cup of tea as a consolation
Current episode:
32. Bob's Your Robert. Robert's first episode as a co-host. This week's review -
The Castle Of Fear.
Bridging The Rift
Katrina (Canadian), Nat (English), and Erik (American, and now a regular) bring
the worlds of Doctor Who fandom, Torchwood fandom, Sarah Jane Adventures fandom,
K-9 fandom, and other areas together. Episodes come out when they are ready.
Each episode has a special guest co-host, or possibly a Weevil.
15. Crackfic The Movie. Many computer woes result in Katrina's absence and this
episode being late. Erik (from their backdoor pilot on Radio Free Skaro and 2
guest appearances) joins as a regular. The team look at fandom's reaction to The
End Of Time. The result - this episode gets an Explicit tag. If you are trying
to listen to this installment at work, make very sure your co-workers can't hear
the sound leaking from the headphones.
The Minute Doctor Who Podcast\

Video (sometimes just audio) podcast looking at Doctor Who projects. Episodes
are usually under 5 minutes long.
Current episode:
30. Mastermind with Stephen Shapansky. Radio Free Skaro's Stephen gets quizzed
about Doctor Who in this audio episode. Another potential contestant is
mentioned as well as the reason why this contestant has not recorded an episode
yet. The contestant DM'ed Luke later and there may be a solution. You will just
have to tune in to future episodes for when this person is finally on to learn
what the solution was.
Doctor Who Review Today
call in number (724) 444-7444 talkshoe id 22756
Live editions Late Fridays 11:30PM EST/8:30PM PST/4:30AM GMT every couple of
Robert Carrie King reviews Doctor Who topics (DVDs and news, mostly) on this
Talkshoe program. Frequent cast member on the Cultdom Collective.
51.5 Robot and The End Of Time (Part Two). Robert, Samantha, and panelists
continue talking about The End Of Time.
The Tennantcast
Kelsey, Kari, Flossie, and friends get together to dish on the latest David
Tennant news.
32. I Wish Bernard Cribbins Was Real. Review of The End Of Time. Emotional
reactions to the end of an era. And some discussion of UK-US politics.
The Wailing Fangirl
Samantha (Romana 2) explores Doctor Who and fandom in Australia with the aid of
the ladies of the Gallifreyan Time Love Brigade. Frequent cast member on The
Cultdom Collective and CIA: Cultdom In Audio. Soon, she will expand her audio
empire when she makes a long term visit to the UK.
Current episodes:
24. All Hail The Grand Moff. Like Moff's to a flame, the ladies of Wailing
Fangirl sumarize the Steven Moffat episodes from 2005 to the present. I wonder
if they knew that Moffat also wrote The Curse Of Fatal Death in 1999. They plan
to do commentaries on these stories before the new era of episodes (with Moffat
in charge) starts to air. At the moment, don't expect a Curse Of Fatal Death
Coming when it comes:
Reviews and commentaries of all of Steven Moffat's episodes so far.
A Podcast Of Impossible Things
Cardiff-based Doctor Who fans get together to discuss the latest Doctor Who and
do a full length commentary on new Doctor Who episodes.
Current episode:
Doctor Who - The End Of Time, Part Two - the Cardiff gang's commentary on the
episode. The full trio are around this time. One of them liked the episode, one
disliked the episode, and one fell in between.
Bigger On The Inside
Mike and Dan decide to do their own podcast exploring each Doctor Who story in
broadcast order. It is a very different style from Jonathan's. Again - can they
pull it off? Part of the Earth-2 family of podcasts. Warning - explicit language
(swearing). If your headphones leak any sound at all - do not listen at work.
Current episode:
30. Spearhead From Space. After a chat on The End Of Time, our hosts look at
Spearhead From Space. They are delighted that all of the episodes survive in TV
format from here on, and that telesnap reconstructions are not in their future.
Hoo On Who
Fan reviews of recent Doctor Who DVDs by David Hooie, frequently with a guest
Current episode:
#19. The Ultimate Foe. David Hooie and Keef Baker look at the final 2 episodes
of Trial Of A Time Lord, also known as The Ultimate Foe. These controversial
episodes are hard to look over and quantify, even for David, leading to a rating
that he has never given a classic Who story before, a (spoiler deleted).
The Cloister Room
Tom Dickinson begins a solo Doctor Who podcast effort with short shows on short
subject that get to the point, bulldoze through the point, back up to ground the
point down some more, then flee the scene before the police arrive.
Current episode - 5. The Great Genre Panic. Why does it seem like Sci-Fi/Fantasy
programming is on the rise in the UK and on the decline in the USA?
Tim's Take On ...
Tim Drury's podcast on various issues. Available on iTunes.
The Big Finish Podcast
Big Finish podcasts at least once a month to discuss their Doctor Who and other
projects (Sapphire and Steel, Stargate (!), Dark Shadows, Bernice Summerfield,
Current episode:
January 2010. Lots of new Doctor Who news, plus some Highlander stuff. Biggest
news - they do not plan to release 5 episodes in a week again anytime soon.
Tachyon TV
Irregular and irreverant podcast looking at the world of Doctor Who with a
funhouse mirror and coming out the other side holding a plush toy that wasn't
really the one you wanted but you'll keep it anyway because you can give it to
your girlfriend to impress her. It's that kind of show.
Current episode:
Tachyon TV Christmas Episode 2009. The gang swear a bit and reveal what they did
during the gap year. They even appeared on a radio station. Will this be the
last Tachyon podcast of 2009? Probably.
MMM Commentaries/Fantragic
Roving Australian podcasting gang, including Trevor from the DWO Whocast.
Commentaries on Doctor Who episodes, Star Wars films, some Stargate stuff, and
others. The Frantragic episodes look at Doctor Who and other sci-fi news.
Fantragic episodes are on a different iTunes feed from MMM Commentary episodes.
New - The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith, Part One commentary. Note - this
commentary is not downloading properly on iTunes. It might be working on other
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care.
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2010.